We are currently busy working on new tracks that will finally be gracing the debut album.
Before this is released, we have a 9 track Promo CD pressed in advance, and made available for radio shows and venues, and a limited amount will be given out free to a few lucky fans who come and see us play over the next few months.
It's felt like its been in the planning stages for aeons, and now its finally happened... the website is here! - its only taken us 9 months to get to this stage! but with the move from the USA to Yorkshire, and then the move onwards to Devon, plus the studio time we have been involved with to get the tracks completed for the new album, and the gigs along the way, well, I think we can be excused for dragging our heels in 2013.
But now its 2014, its time to get all those things we planned on doing last year (which didn't get done!) out of the 'to do' box, so that we can move this band ever onwards and upwards... The website was high on the priority 'to do' list, so here it is.... its not too exciting at the moment, but like the songs we produce, it'll evovle quite quickly and should be a slick affair when we have more material to add to it.
It does give us a platform to broadcast from though:
upcoming gigs are now easily located on the 'tour' page.
We also have a nice platform to add soundcloud player links in the 'music' header,
Contact info is in the 'info' link.
and the 'gallery' will be just that, if you have any images of us that you'd like to share, we'd love to start filling that page with them.