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Brief biog:
Started out in 2012 as a solo studio artist, produced, recorded and released an album in April 2014 with the help of a few session players, formed a band just after the album release - we managed to get 4 songs off that album replicated in the following 14 months! added fiddle tunes in abundance, lost a lot of PR momentum due to this, band finally split in June 2015, I was far from gutted!
August 2015, having 2 months off to gather my thoughts, rest my head, and plan the next step, and its a no brainer, I'm going straight back to being a solo recording artist - enlisting the help of session musicians as and when needed for the studio recordings.
One thing I'm certain of, I'm fed up of working on old trad stuff, fed up of playing the same old stuff at live gigs, and fed up of staying static and not moving forwards, bands are hard work and I won't be entering into another one lightly, lost too much control over material and content with the last one, lost a lot of momentum and a lot of creativity due to others being unwilling to actually commit to composing new material, got worn down by the perpetual promises of we'll work on yours next rehearsal, it never happened!
I'm now recording original material as a solo artist and will be back on the road again in 2016 with a new solo album, a new set, and a new sound.
DeMalebysse, the band name - where did it come from?
Demalebysse is a family name I found to be the longest running strain in my family tree. It predates the Norman Conquest, it was used in Normandy from the 8th century onwards... and continued to be used in that form in Britain until the late 17th century, the same period that a lot of the trad songs that I have rewritten came from, and so, In dire need of a name for the project/band, it seemed only fittting to marry the band and my ancestral family name together. DeMalebysse is me and I am it, by name and by nature.
Band Members involved with the project
Current Members
Steve Baldwin (UK) - Vocals, Guitar, Mandolin and a little bit of Bouzouki.
Studios that I have used in the production of these songs so far, should also be mentioned here:
Blacksound Studios - Pasadena, California, USA
Lemon Tree Studios - Silverlake - California, USA
Voltage Studios - Bradford, West Yorks, UK
Sizzle Studios - Bournemouth, Dorset, UK
Deep Blue Studios - Plymouth, Devon, UK
Rapunzel Studios - Seaton, Devon UK
Propagation House Studios - North Devon / Cornwall Borders. UK

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